John Sloat Family Connections
There are many opportunities for families to connect with John Sloat.
Coffee with the Principal
Dear parents and guardians,
Grab a cup up coffee and join me to receive District and school updates. Your collaboration and input are welcome during these sessions. Let’s connect virtually Via ZOOM), so that together we can continue to provide the best education for our future leaders. Please check the calendar for meeting dates and times.
Estimados padres y tutores,
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
ELAC is a group of parents and school staff that meet to talk about issues that affect students who are learning English (English Learners). ELAC’s objective is to provide staff, parents, and students a vehicle for addressing school concerns regarding programs and services for English Learners and to facilitate a two-way communication system between the school and the community.
If you have any questions or would like to serve on ELAC
contact us.
Your participation is truly appreciated.
School Site Council (SSC)
The School Site Council operates in conjunction with Sacramento City Unified School District. Each school has its own School Site Council. It is the SSC where many important decisions regarding school finance, instructional materials, and other issues concerning the school are made. This group is also responsible for determining areas for school improvements. It creates a plan with specific time lines and approves the categorical budget for the school to accomplish these improvements.